April 8, 2010

Easter Joys and Conference

Was it just me, or was this past weekend just bliss? Does it get better than chocolate, p.j.'s all day, and awesome talks? I think not.

Its a tradition in my family to color holiday pictures during conference. It helps all us ADD-ers to focus and listen.

If you were wondering what my favorite talks are... You can click HERE, HERE and HERE.

During the in-between times of morning and afternoon session, the easter bunny aka Robbie and me, (just for the record... I don't like being the holiday figure of children. It sucks not doing the egg hunt!) came and hid eggs all over the yard. Thank goodness the snow melted by then! YES! I just said snow. It snowed Easter morning. How pathetic, right?

Here are the Egg Hunters:

I don't ask... I just take the pictures. P.S. Those nasty thermals she's wearing were mom's from YEARS ago.

Melt my heart!

Michelle found the poop egg Robbie and I hid.

This is Maddie's bunny, Tuffy... I was so proud of my edit, I had to show the before and after.

After Robbie and I entertained the children we went over to his house for the annual

Can I just tell you guys something... This is the MOST epic and exciting thing to happen to me every year. Karen, my mo-in-law, hides eggs all over the yard and, in the dark with a flashlight, we have to hunt for them all over the yard. IT'S A FLIPPIN BLAST. And the best part? The eggs are filled with money money money money money MO-NEE (song courtesy of the apprentice.)

I'm sure you are all wondering who won... I will let the pictures speak for themselves...

Here's another one just in case you wanted more evidence.

I guess it would be fair to say that I DOMINATED their faces.

Thats my war paint on my face... I am all hard core!

Well I hope you all had a FAB weekend.

loves. hugs.



  1. Don't tell me when to post. I'll post whenever I want to. You just earned another week of the silent treatment (aka no blog post)

  2. WOW!!!!
    #1- You made up all of those numbers!
    #2- You only won because mom rigged it, and put all of the eggs in the back yard, where you went first.
    #3- I'm still the favorite child
    #4- I'll be laughing in your face next year when i'm sitting on the throne as the winner, because you and bob will be stuck in Texas!

    I feel better now.
    Thank you and goodnight. :)
