December 15, 2010

I'm melting! Melting!

Okay folks (to be honest, I hate the word folk. Say it. It feels like a piece chicken lodged in the back of your throat)Its time for the 2nd installment of,

Friends. My dear friends (said in the voice of John McCaine while waving his arms like a moron.). I have been dreaming of day like today for years. You hear me, YEARS! I did a photo shoot today on December 15th, in 75 degree weather. Did you hear me? 75 degree weather. Oh the happiness that filled my soul as I took my sweater off because I was getting sweaty. How joyful I was when I needed to turn the AC on in my car. This is a day that will be talked about for years to come. 
75 degree weather in December! Doesn't get better than this.
God bless Texas.

I took this picture while I was out on my shoot today... yes its true, we still have green grass and leaves on trees.

December 12, 2010

If ornaments could talk...

If this ornament could talk, I wonder what it would say? 
Would the first story he would tell be about a young couple 25 years ago who celebrated their first Christmas together snuggled under the glowing lights of their very first Christmas Tree?
Would this ornament remember the Christmas when a stupid cat name Shadow couldn't resist knocking down the Christmas tree, and almost setting the house on fire?
Im sure this ornament would burst with excitement as it told the story of the countless years a growing family laughed, sung, fought, played, cried, and prayed during the crazy month of December.

Without a doubt this ornament would tell the story of that Christmas 6 years ago when a family of five, who used to be six, snuggled under the glowing lights of the tree, not in joyous laughter but in reverence and heartache as their hearts yearned for the women who was everything to them.

I hope this ornament remembers last year's Christmas when my father solemnly passed this ornament, the last one left of my parents first Christmas together, down to me. Now it will hang atop my tree for Robbie and I to make Christmas memories of our very own.

December 10, 2010



In the words of Fiddler on the Roof... 
Tradition, tradition! Tradition!
Tradition, tradition! Tradition!

Everyone has traditions in their families, and at Christmas it seems that families have LOTS of Tradition. Well for YEARS I have had a personal Christmas Tradition. Going to The Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Choir Concert!
This tradition of mine is EVERYTHING. Seriously. To me, it is what plants the spirit of Christmas in my heart not just for December, but all year long. I crave this concert 365 days of the year. I listen to each years past cd all year long. FOR REALS.
This year, I didn't get tickets:( SO SAD. With David Archaletta being the guest this year, it seems everyone applied for tickets. I LOVE David Archaletta, but for me this concert is not about him. Its about the choir.

So dear internet, I am here to make a PLEA with you...

I need 2 tickets to the Friday showing of Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert. In exchange, I will give you a FREE PHOTO SHOOT ($280 value) The free shoot can either happen in December or at the very end of February, or April when I will be coming back to Utah. Your choice!

Let me know if you are interested.

Merry Christmas!

December 5, 2010

Don't be silly Toto, Scarecrows don't talk.

Hey y'all!!
Well 4 months livin' in the big D. And "y'all" is officially apart of daily talk. Y'all dig me? Sweet.

Being on our own in a new city/state is quite the adventure. And the differences between Dallas and Utah County are quite HI-larious. I am always finding treasures of new discoveries and differences. So in light of my new discoveries, I want to start a new series here on my blog called...

(Whenever this banner appears, it means I have found something completely different in Dallas than what I am used to seeing/experiencing in Utah County.
Got it?  Good.  Lets begin.)

This is what you see on every street corner in the U.C. 
(aka Utah County.  I just made that place so hip by abbreviating the word. I abbrev my words F.Y.)

And this is what you see in Dallas...

So these stores are not on every corner, but I am sure you can understand my shock when I saw these stores lurking around town. 

God Bless Texas.

December 1, 2010


Today is a day for the history books! After 3 1/2 years of marriage, Robbie and I did it!!! Did what you ask?


It's time that we officially enter the 21st century. Someday when we get an Ipod and internet on our phones we will enter the cool club of the 21st century. But till then... I will enjoy internet at all times of the day.

I'm so happy I could cry! This is TRULY the best day of my life.