April 23, 2010

sandwiches.strawberries.and sun.

So I am sitting at school and I just asked Robbie what one word he would use to describe our marriage. Here's the breakdown of our convo:

bob: Uhh....
me: don't say something stupid.
bob: duh... I would say the word would be good.
me: good? thats it?
bob: no. how about interesting.
me: That's gay. Say something different.
bob: fine! fun... or happy... yeah our marriage is happy.

I think I might have tricked him into saying that:)

Here are some pics from our very first picnic of the season! YAY for warm weather.


  1. Nice try editing the dialogue but we all still know his first response was "abusive"

  2. You guys are so stinkin cute. You look amazing with that headband on. Yay for warm weather--finally! :)
