January 3, 2010

Answers Come.

When I sat down last week and wrote about my thoughts in TIME. I didn't think I would recieve an answer as to how I was going to accomplish my goal of finding more time. But I have. Really! I wanna share it... With you!

My sweetie and I have been in Washington for a week. It's been truly blissfull. Full of family, love, and laughter. It has been very soul healing for me. I have come to a happy place this last week. A place brought to me by God.

I stayed with my dear dear cousin. She is a non-denominational Christan. I am mormon (also Christan). Many beautiful Christ-centered discussions happened this week... And when I say beautiful, it really is no joke.
What I experienced this week was a very humbling and WONDERFUL experience. I was taught through the example of my cousin what it truly means to submit your life to Christ. Her conviction and devotion to Jesus Christ is so beautiful. Seriously as beautiful as a little child's laugh. It's so pure. She gets it. And she taught me, through her example, how to submit to Him and His will everyday.
And that's the answer to my TIME question. SUBMISSION! If I can wake up every morning, with a pure heart and submit my day to his, I will not have to worry about getting everything done that I need to. Because I will be doing what he wants me to do. And not what I think HAS to get done. Trust me, I know I will not be perfect at this, but I feel very happy and smiley inside at the thought I recieved an answer to a question. It a great feeling:)
Thanks for reading:)


  1. I'm glad you found an answer that makes sense to you! I don't really understand the 'submit your life to Christ' because I have different beliefs but I know Jen is truly inspirational and has helped me several times!

  2. Jessica! What is so amazing about what you wrote is I have come to a "happy place" this last week too. I have so much to write about this... BEAUTIFUL times we shared while you were here. My house feels empty without you but my heart is full of joy and gratefulness and HEALING. Who would have thought all of this would come out of a "little idea that came to you" to interview Grandpa? Thank you!! I love you!

  3. Submission is the ONLY thing we can give to God. Nothing brings greater peace. So glad you have found it. It is a lifetime process. Love ya.

  4. Jessica! You are such a doll. I know that your mom, dad and Annette are so proud of the woman you have become. How very wise of you to recognize the gift you were given last week. I love you very much!
