February 6, 2010

I don't wanna grow up....

I'm a Toy's R Us kid!

Robbie affectionately teases me probably on a daily basis on how I'm still like a little kid. And his teasing is true. I am SO like a little kid. So it got me thinking and I have come up with a list of ways I still have not grown up.

1. When given a choice to watch a movie, my instinct is to ALWAYS pick a Disney Movie. Here a few of my favorites:

{wow, I had a hard time just picking a few. I could have chosen WAY more:)}

2. I prefer drinking from a water bottle, because it makes me feel like its a baby bottle. Hmm... that's kind of embarrassing to admit!

3. I am still afraid of the dark. TRUE STORY! We can't go to sleep at night till I shut my eyes tight and grab the covers. THEN, Robbie can turn the light off.

4. When I'm sick or even just have a headache or tummy ache, I won't get medicine for myself. I like Robbie to do it because it makes feel like I'm being taken care of. My mom used to ALWAYS give me my medicine.

5. I still say Tummy:)

6. I can't hold still in church. It's true. One Sunday we were sitting in the pew in front of the bishops wife and family, and after sacrament meeting she tapped my shoulder and asked if I have ADD. Kind of embarrassing.

7. I wear my hair in braids AT LEAST once a week. Want proof? This is what I look like today:

8. I don't go pee until the very last second. Like right now, I am dancing in my chair, and squeezing my thighs together. TMI?

9. I may or may not whine till I get my way:) The sad thing about this one is Robbie doesn't give in to my whining.

10. You can bribe with me candy, and I'll do a chore.

Maybe after people read this post, they will stop asking us when we are going to have kids. They will see that Robbie already has one:)
{P.S. It does NOT bug me when people ask us this.}

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica! I don't know if you remember me from H.S. but I'm glad to see that you are doing so well with photography and life! I just wanted to let you know that I loved this post of yours! I love your honesty and fun-natured spirit! I recently started a blog sort of like this that helps me focus on my life and it's really been fun :)
    Also I really do love your pictures. I love the emotion you capture. As a pro photog myself, that's been my favorite and most rewarding thing to try to capture, and I just wanted you to know that I think you're doing a great job! Any ways, just wanted to let you know that you can have another photographer friend out there if you want! Haha! Any ways, keep up the AWESOME work! :)

    P.S. I can TOTALLY relate to number 8. Seriously. Haha!
