October 4, 2010

i am stuck on band-aid brand...

so did any of your mom's ever tell you band-aids are not toys? well mine sure did! that is why when i was over come with the most dramatic and intense bug bite attack in human experience... i knew that each band-aid i was going to use must be used for only the most serious of situations.

break down of my night a few days ago:

12:00 am: cry myself to sleep (i exaggerate peeps.) cuz my feet are itching so dang bad.
12:41: wake up. smother my feet in anti itch cream
2:17: repeat.
4:12 repeat.
4:45: go to the bathroom
6:23: SO DANG MAD my feet won't stop itching. smother my feet AGAIN. take drastic measures and pull out the band-aids

(there are 11 band-aids on my feet)

at 6:30 in the morning i created my own remedy for bug bites by sticking anti itch cream on the back of the band-aid... and guess what?... IT TOTALLY WORKED!

i went back to sleep, and like a baby.... slept for 5 more uninterrupted hours.


  1. 1) Love how you used your painted wall as the background for your feet pic.
    2) Where did you go that you got so many bug bites on your feet? I'm assuming they were ants?

  2. I'm not sure what you did to get all of those bug bites, but it makes me laugh because I was exactly like this just a week or two ago after a photo session by Utah Lake. Seriously the bugs ate us ALIVE!!! and I just waved it off thinking, "oh but it's worth it for the pictures!" but after itching my ankles and feet for a straight 5 days, I thought to myself, "well it's worth it to them because it's their pictures, but is it worth it to me????!!" Haha! Oh well the multiple red dots which totally looked like chicken pox are finally starting to fade... after weeks. But this is the first time I've heard of using band aids . . . and I should have used much more anti-itch cream than I did. Love the pictures of your feet in band aids. Sorry about all of the pain that kept you awake constantly. It's just one of those things you laugh about later I guess :)
