December 29, 2009

Colors of my life....

Pike Place Market. Seattle, Washington.

December 27, 2009

My thoughts...

....At this moment in T.I.M.E
I want more. More of what you ask? More T.I.M.E to do things I love. If I had more, this is what I would do....

1. Read. I love to read. I don't do it much anymore. Robbie told me about this article he read about Steven Covey how he fits 2 hours of his day to read and to learn. EVERY DAY. 2 HOURS!

2. Serve. My dear friend, our landlord, is moving in a few days to Texas, and she is uber stressed out and there is only so much I can do to help her get ready. I want to relieve her stress and comfort her. But I can only do so much... Why? Because I don't have enough time.

3. Exercise. I have been putting this in my schedule more than usual but not as much as I would like.

4. Go to the Temple. Robbie and I go once a month, but I wanna go more. I love that place. Like a lot.

5. Do the Lord's will. I focus so much what I want to do.... Such as this list.. What does he want me to do?

6. Dejunk my nasty apartment. I have always kept spaces I lived in pretty dang clean, but since starting my photography buisness, my apt has been put on the back burner. Like waaayyyy on the back burner!

These are the few things that came to me pretty quickly. I know many people who get all this done and more during a week or a day. I need to organize my life better. Find a way to balance it all. I know its such a common issue to not have a balanced life but I believe it can be done. I just don't know where to start. Can someone help me? What are ways you complete your "to-do" list, or do those things your heart most desires? I need some tips.... I love to learn from others....
Let me Learn from you!

December 20, 2009

CA-RISS-MAS Time with the fam

Attention Notice: So I just did this whole post, but there are more of our friends and fam looking for OUR BIG announcement... Just scroll down.

Temple Square: A Utah Tradition.

As it is with so many families, it is with mine. Here are the highlights of our little rondayvoo.

We started the night with a pig and a musician.... (That's a weird sentence)

This is Princess Amanda serenading us to some fab Christmas Carol.

But the Princess could not have all the attention, Cool dude needed to feel the love.

We made our way to Crown Burger, and Michelle was feeling attention derived as well. And I guess in my family, the way to get attention is to act like an animal?

Here is da widdle kitty...

Of course if you go to the Skquare, (thats my gansta word for Temple Square) you have to stop for photo's. And you can bet your bottom dollar we did just that....

Look at that good looking family! Of course there were a few member missing...

Jeff and Stacy: Minnesota
Kyle and Natalie: Busy with work:(

Me and the Rob dog... So Im not vain... (well maybe a little.) And I like these two pictures so much I put both up... Dont judge me. Oh and can you please tell me how adorable my hat is?

And I love this picture of my little sister... Its so... Solemn in a way...

And that concludes our night of pics... Oh except for Rae Rae... She's kind of a confused soul and thinks we are her family. Its okay... We'll totally claim her...

And boys and girls just remember this one thing...

Jesus is the Reason for the Season :)

December 18, 2009

Our BIG HUGE Announcement





M I S S I O N ! ! ! ! !
(And by mission we mean journey)

Bob and I are going to Baylor Dental School in Dallas Texas!
We could not be more excited!
We leave June 2010!

December 14, 2009

The spirit of CHRISTmas.

Ah man, I love little reminders like this! Gets me cryin like a little baby:)

Enjoy my friends!


December 13, 2009


The time has come. I feel like the world is ready. . . . maybe? It's time for the unveiling of the one (thank heavens:)), and only GREG, GREGGERS, GREGGY BOY!!

It is a very difficult process to begin to describe him. But I am ready to take on the challenge. He is a 6' 7" man of pure awesomeness. Who's motto in life is "Anything for a cheap laugh." And trust me peeps, he lives by this RELIGIOUSLY. Want some examples? OKAY!


What is this picture of you are asking yourself? Well this is the Glove box of The Greg. That silver object to the left? The Remington 5000 nose hair trimmer.

On our way up to the Big SLC. He decided to trim up those hairs lurking out of his nose.

(my life has been threatened if I show #2. But guys.... ITS FUUUNNNNYYY)

This video is The Greg to a T! In the middle of Temple Square, he felt the urge to whip out his Kazoo, (yes, he carries a Kazoo?) and entertain the world with Christmas Carols. Take a look!

(sorry its upside down. And sorry its a little shaky. I was laughing quite ridiculously hard.)

We think there might be crack in the kazoo:)


When we were in the car on the way home, he started singing, ya know to get us to laugh. But it actually turned into a very calming, beautiful, peaceful moment. Its a video I will draw much love and happiness on for years to come.

(Once again, upside down, oops!)

Greggory Griggs.... I love you! Thank you for an unforgettable evening! Im sure we are all scarred for life:) xoxoxo

December 9, 2009

A list vs. Hit List

Its time for another installment of A List vs. Hit List. If you are new, and don't what this is. Click HERE to read the explanation.

This is A List vs. Hit List Holiday style....

Y E A H B A B Y ! ! !

1. SNOW! I have a slogan.... Say NO to SNOW. Forget drugs.... SNOW is much more dangerous.

2. COLD!!! Anything COLD. COLD tile floors. COLD covers. COLD steering wheel. COLD feet.

3. THE MALL... DUN DUN DUN! Dude talk about a nut house. Peeps are crazy there around this time.

1. Christmas Lights. They make me feel oh so Merry and Bright inside... and my apartment.

2. Wrapping Paper. I love pretty things. And festive holiday wrap is always a jolly joy!

3. Christmas Traditions. They bring me much jubilee inside and take me back to my kiddo days.

4. Christmas Movies! Oooh fuuudge! Only I didn't say "Fudge." I said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the "F-dash-dash-dash" word!... yeah, thats classic!

Well there you go! Holiday style baby!

What are some of your Christmas joys? Please tell....

December 7, 2009

To: Her

I feel her. Everyday. She is with me. She guides me. Directs me.

At Christmas it is stronger. Her spirit that is. She is not just felt by me, but by Robbie. We were decorating the tree. I was stringing the lights, he was holding the lights. He hugged me and squeezed me oh so tight, and with emotion in his voice, said, "I feel her. She is here."

Of course she was. While I was growing up, Christmas was her thing. Like how Peanut butter's thing is jelly. Christmas and her were meant for each other. You would look at her and your breath would be taken because you didn't know if you were looking at an angel or not. Christmas lights danced in her eyes. The smell of the tree was embedded in her clothes. Her heart radiated Christ's. She talked in Christmas tunes. She was at home. December was her home.

I miss her this time of year. Like really miss her. I want to smell her. Touch her. Talk to her.

But I know she is with me. Why? Because I feel her.

My tree this year is dedicated to her. To be honest, every year it is dedicated to her.

December 2, 2009

December 1, 2009

Broken Heart

Ya know those times in life when you made a decision and you know it's the right one, but still after you made it your in pain....

Like your heart is being sawed in half kind of pain.?!

Well this is one of those moments.

(Mrs Schaack's AM class 2009. Sorry, I don't have a photo of my PM class)

For the last 2 1/2 years my heart has belonged to the faces and spirits who have attended Learning Dynamics.

Teaching all my different classes, and all my different students has brought more joy to heart than I could ever imagine... or even expressed.

I will miss....

Listening to them try to say Mrs. Schaack. Some of the more classic ones are... Mrs. Tack, Mrs. Shick, Mrs. ummm.... how do I say your name?, and my favorite. Mrs. Wack.

Watching the light in their eyes as you compliment them for doing such a fantastic job coloring their paper.

Watching the light in their eyes as they connect what you are teaching them.

Dancing around the classroom.

Making up stories about Princesses and Dinosaurs.

Comforting them when someone doesn't share with them or if they got a boo boo.

But what I will miss more than anything is....

My kids storming, and knocking me down to give me a HUGE hug everday as they tell me over and over how much they love me.


Side note: To any of my parents who are reading this, if any, thank you for raising such beautiful children. Thank you for sharing their beautiful spirits and their light with me. Being a part of their life has changed me more than I could have explain. I am more full of patience, love, endurance, kindness, and all other things in between because you allowed them to be apart of my life. To you, I am forever indebted to you. Thank you.